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A simple state of mind, there is a mind to manage life; When life is simple, you have time to enjoy it.


people want to grow, there must be a reason, behind the efforts and accumulation of a certain number of times than ordinary people. So, the key is still in yourself.

三、外表的美只能取悦于人的眼睛,而内在的美却能感染人的灵魂 。

the external beauty can only please people's eyes, and the inner beauty can infect people's soul.


you always think too much when a person, and then inexplicably unhappy. Remember a word: the heart is tired, inadvertently does not matter.


the efforts to fill the day, don't let alone surrounded by you, please cherish yourself, give yourself a strong reason, there is no such thing as life could not overcome.


I hope you have been such as youth, clean and pure peace of mind, know the world and not the world, through sleek and true, see through not good but believe good, see not good but still good.


remember, you like things, don't ask others how nice. Like is better than all reason, principle is not equal to my pleasure.


Give yourself some time to forgive yourself for doing a lot of stupid things. Accept and love yourself; To believe that the past will be the past, the coming is on the road.


Some things, smile can be in the past. Some things make you smile after a while.

十、很多人不是孤僻,而是有原则有选择地社交 。和喜欢的人千言万语,和其他的人一字不提 。

Many people are not withdrawn, but socialize in a principled and selective way. Talk a lot to the people you like, and never say a word to anyone else.


Life and harmony, heart ping na good, everything, knowing and doing with all one's heart.


If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always No. If you don't go forward, you will stay forever.


Most people, just because you a little bad, and forget you before all good; Often a person alone collapse, and a person quietly since the recovery, the adult world is no more than this, some roads can only go alone.


Some people will accommodate you, some people will not. Some people will forgive you, others won't. Some people will understand you, others won't. In this world, there are some people will care about you, but there are some people won't. Accept that.


When you see a person and do not expose, you know the meaning of forgiveness; Hate a person without turning against him, you know the utmost respect. Live, there are always people you don't like, there are people who don't like you.


there is a truth will never change, is that you must make enough money to make you at ease, in order to let you and the people around you live a free life, in order to make you more indifferent when you are disappointed in love, always only hard, in order to make your world at ease.

