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Don't try to pry into my life, what you can see is what I choose to let you see.


You give your character to your horoscope, your efforts to chicken soup, your luck to koi, and then say to yourself: You have heard a lot of truth, but still have a bad life. It's normal for you to have a bad day.


Don't think you can not put people will not put you, fish will die without water, water without fish will be more clear.


If you are determined to do something, stop asking yourself and others whether it is worth it. Be willing to take for granted, for granted will go without looking back.


A man without money is worse than a ghost, soup without salt is not like water, you will slowly find that a kind heart is never better than a good mouth.


Don't worry too much about the present, don't worry too much about the future. When you go through something, the scenery is not the same as before.


Don't eyes a red, think the world is not worth it, parting is the world normal, you and I can exception.


In fact, there is no feeling deeply this matter, the needle does not stab to others, they do not know how much pain.


All the misunderstandings in the world come from not understanding, all the contradictions come from not communicating, all the missteps come from not trusting.


There are thousands of ways to love, some people loudly, some secretly care, but the test of them, only time.


Can not walk into the world don't hard crowded, difficult for others, mean their own, why?


Don't expect, don't force, let nature take its course. Accept everything that needs to be accepted. Peace of mind is the best state to live in.


From now on, do not indulge in fantasy, do not worry, work hard, live a good life, be a person close to happiness.


The more grow up the more understand a truth, the more fake the more surface enthusiasm, the more sincere the more deep, without words.


Time is merciless, it will put you owe the sorry, become can not pay, and will put a lot of sorry, become too late.


May from now on, don't wait for sleep, don't wait for disappointment and heartbreak, don't look back, don't settle for the future, don't love too much, don't go to bed too late.

